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Children checking out the floor map of 麻萨诸塞州 with Professor Domingo

What better way to teach young people the power of maps and the limitless depth of geography than a half court-sized map of a continent or a classroom-sized state map on which they can explore, 环游, collaborate and have lots of fun?

项目鸟瞰地球 offers seven giant floor maps, detailed below.

鸟瞰地球 floor map of 非洲

非洲’s deep rainforests, endless savanna and tremendous Sahara are a geographical field trip for your students, who will explore spectacular animals, human settlements and iconic images on this visually stunning map of the continent. The brightly colored map clearly illustrates oceans, seas, rivers, mountains, countries and capitals.

地图维度: 23' x 30'

鸟瞰地球 floor map of 亚洲

Brave the tundra, travel the desert, and visit the highest and lowest known elevations on Earth. From Siberia to Saudi Arabia and from the Caucasus to Cambodia, 亚洲 encompasses a diverse landscape, 极端气候, and is home to over 60 percent of the world’s population!

地图维度: 32' x 37'

鸟瞰地球 floor map of 欧洲

History, culture and geography collide in 欧洲. From the Scottish highlands to the Greek Isles, students will learn country locations, 的名字, capital cities and physical features.

地图维度: 30' x 30'

鸟瞰地球 floor map of 北美

The rich tapestry of 北美, from the Canadian north to Panama, awaits your students’ inquiring minds and fast 费t.

地图维度: 20' x 26'

The 太平洋 map introduces students to the planet’s largest ocean, which covers over one third of Earth’s surface. Dive deep and visit the Ring of Fire to explore geology and earth science.

地图维度: 26' x 20'

鸟瞰地球 floor map of 南美

Imagine your students scaling the high peaks of the Andes, searching for the ancient city of Machu Picchu, and following the Amazon River from its alpine headwaters thousands of miles through the Brazilian rain forest all the way to the Atlantic Ocean.

地图维度: 20' x 26'

鸟瞰地球 floor map of 麻萨诸塞州

Tour the Commonwealth of 麻萨诸塞州 with your students using our 麻萨诸塞州 state map. From the beautiful western Berkshires to the rugged and varied coast of eastern towns, visit and discuss the geography of our state with local and familiar features, and learn something new about our home state.

地图维度: 21' x 15'

Reserve 鸟瞰地球 地板上的地图

Dates for ladbrokes立博中文版s to Your School 
鸟瞰地球 floor map visits take place on Fridays from September 8, 2023, 到5月10日, 2024, and on Wednesdays from May 11, 2024 through June 28, 2024.

飞路粉r 地图学校参观
By participating in the 鸟瞰地球 floor map program schools are able to share these beautiful Geographic maps with their students. Our instructors can lead a floor map program using one of seven giant National Geographic maps.

飞路粉r Map Lending Program
飞路粉r maps are also available as a lending program, for those teachers who would prefer to use the maps independently. Maps can be borrowed any day, depending on availability. Borrowing floor maps does not require training.

To schedule a map visit or borrow a map, please review the 鸟瞰地球 Program Guidelines,查看我们的 日历 for availability, and submit a completed 鸟瞰地球 Program Reservation Request Form. A member of our team will contact you within 48 hours of your request. Please note there is a associated with school visits.

We would love to see pictures of your students in action! 我们确实需要 媒体发布 submitted with each photograph.

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