
Physical Education Graduate Programs


ladbrokes立博中文版的体育硕士课程中,将您的健康和体育教育事业提升到一个新的水平. Our program includes two teaching licensure programs, and we also offer eight master’s in physical education concentrations, as well as a graduate certificate in professional tennis management. No matter your focus, each program will prepare you for leadership across various fields, from education and business to community health care.

在马萨诸塞州寻求健康和体育初级教师执照的学生可以选择我们的PreK-8或5-12年级课程. Interested in an advanced degree? BSU的体育硕士学位可以让你选择一个最适合你的才能和目标的重点, 从我们的应用运动机能学到人类表现和健康健身到专业网球管理, which is also offered as a graduate certificate. No matter which area you choose, you’ll leave campus ready to tackle a rewarding role as a teacher, 对所有年龄段的人的生活产生积极影响的教练或领导者.

Master’s in Physical Education Program Highlights

Silhouette of 一个学生 taking notes in class

Earn your master’s degree in physical education at your pace

灵活的课程和混合模式意味着BSU的体育硕士课程适合想要加速职业发展的专业人士. In fact, our Coaching Education concentration is offered 100% online.
一个学生 &“保龄球" a ball in lab while being recorded with small balls attached to his clothing

Take advantage of hands-on learning opportunities

健康和体育学位的学生经常会发现自己在我们最先进的生物力学和运动生理学实验室在阿德里安汀斯利中心, learning by doing.
BSU Assistant Athletic Director, 丹Rezendes, 与一名骑着健身车的学生交谈,背景是其他骑着健身车的学生

Gain valuable experience while you study

ladbrokes立博中文版位于波士顿和普罗维登斯之间,地理位置优越,为学生提供了大量的锻炼和健身俱乐部等实习机会. 您还将享受与潜在雇主合作的实地工作经验.

Get personal attention


Benefit from our strength and conditioning concentration 4+1 program

Go for your MS in physical education, 同时通过BSU的早期录取计划获得本科学位.

Get important backing right away

我们的运动机能学专业是由体育部认可的, ensuring you do not need to seek D.O.E. 毕业后获得体育硕士学位和初始执照.

Finish strong with a completion scholarship

Physical education graduate students who maintain a 3.3 GPA may be eligible for BSU’s Nunckatessett Graduate Scholarship, a tuition scholarship of $3,申请完成研究生学位所需的最后两门课程.

Program of Study for Master’s in Physical Education Students

在短短两年的时间里,我成为了北京州立大学健康与体育专业的全日制研究生, you can earn your initial teaching licensure, 体育教育硕士学位或专业网球管理研究生证书,开始丰富的职业生涯,这将有利于你和你帮助的人.

你是否有热情去帮助那些终生残疾的人, 想要深入研究替代医学的世界,或者想成为竞技体育或心脏康复方面的力量和调节教练, BSU的体育硕士课程有一个轨道,以满足您的个人兴趣和目标. 我们为健康和体育学位的学生提供的高级课程根据你的专注程度有很大的不同,包括深入研究有效的体育教练等领域, research methods, social issues in sports, 解剖学, biomechanics and nutrition.

Admission Requirements and Program Details


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Program details from 2022-2023 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog

Graduate Program Coordinator: Dr. 詹妮弗·米德

Careers in 健康 and Physical Education

我们在BSU体育硕士课程的主要目标是让您准备好在各种环境中担任领导角色, from health care systems to community organizations. 我们拥有高级健康和体育学位的毕业生已经在医院和康复中心担任高级职位, as well as with the YMCA/YWCA and Girls and Boys 俱乐部. We can also help you prepare for employment at fitness clubs, 企业, camps and schools in the role of a teacher, coach or administrative leader.

我们的专业网球管理硕士和研究生证书为您在球场之外的许多工作做好准备, in roles such as tennis facilities manager, sales representative and event coordinator, 举几个例子. 从我们的教练教育集中到适应体育和运动轨道, 体育硕士学位将通过深入学习为你的本科学习做准备, so you can hit the target of your next career goal. 拥有体育硕士学位的北京州立大学校友曾担任过的一些职位包括:

  • Strength and conditioning/physical education teacher
  • Clinical dietician at South Shore 健康 System
  • Director of athletic training at physical therapy practice
  • Athletic trainer at Philadelphia Phillies

According to the U.S. 根据劳工统计局的数据,健身中心的运营专家的平均年薪为


Graduate Funding Opportunities

研究生院为研究生在攻读学位的同时获得资助提供了各种机会. 任命是竞争性的,由本科和/或研究生的平均成绩决定, pertinent experience, educational preparation and interviews. 有关助学金,奖学金和会议资金奖励的信息,请ladbrokes立博中文版我们的 Graduate Funding Opportunities page.


BSU Graduate Studies Overview Brochure Cover

View this PDF for an overview of the College of Graduate Studies.

Counselor Education classroom 2020


4 students sitting at desks in in a graduate class


Grad students in a classroom
